Dirty Tactics Pantyhose Pro-Style: Bella Luxx and VeVe Lane (Dec 2023)


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The "Dirty Tactics" pantyhose'd pro-style wrestling series continues as pro-circuit wrestler VeVe receives her next match assignment -- against brutal up-and-comer Bella. VeVe is warned that Bella is wily and tough... and that she's an extremely dangerous opponent when it comes to fighting dirty...
Heeding the warning, VeVe surprises Bella and takes control of the match from the start.  She dominates Bella with "dirty tactics" moves like eye gouges and eye attacks, body hits, clawing attacks, feet on the face, low blow attacks, and toe biting, along with controlling holds like the Camel Clutch, roll-up pin, step-over Toehold, and ankles locks.
Bella cries out in torment as VeVe punishes her non-stop.  Until Bella has no choice but to tap out.  But a tap out doesn't mean Bella gives up... in fact, it's just a distraction tactic!  As VeVe's guard is down, a quick gut punch from Bella totally turns the tables and sends VeVe reeling!
And then it's Bella on the attack with unstoppable dirty tactics!  Bella brutalizes VeVe with all sorts of low blows: knees and kicks, foot pressure, hammer fists, slaps, elbows -- while trapping VeVe with holds, like the roll-up leg-spreader, matchbook pin, and body triangle.  Bella even rips VeVe's panty off, leaving VeVe wearing only her pantyhose on her lower body.  With VeVe still reeling, Bella hikes her into an over-the-knee back-breaker and delivers body blows... and then again to deliver yet more low blow attacks!
Bella punishes VeVe even further with a Camel Clutch + toe biting combo and clawing attacks.  She blinds VeVe with lime juice.  She hoists VeVe into a T-rack lift, traps her with a figure-4 leglock, and delivers even more toe biting... all driving VeVe into a tap out submission.
But submission is not enough, and Bella is thorough!  Even after the tap, Bella deliver more toe biting, more eye attacks, and more low blow attacks!  And she even compels VeVe to agree to be her jobber for the next match.  Oh no!  Brutal Bella enjoys her dominance with a victory pose, and poor VeVe is left humiliatingly defeated on the mats.  It's always a tough time for someone in the Dirty Tactics arena....
Pro-Style fantasy wrestling.  Dramatic expressiveness.  The ladies wear bras and suntan pantyhose (t-panties worn over pantyhose; VeVe's gets removed).  1080 Full HD

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MP4. 1080 Full HD, 60 fps, 7 mbps

1.54 GB
30 minutes
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Dirty Tactics Pantyhose Pro-Style: Bella Luxx and VeVe Lane (Dec 2023)