VeVe vs Short Squeeze: Competitive Mixed Squash Match (Dec 2023)


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Newcomer petite male wrestler Short Squeeze eagerly jump in to make his video debut... and to test his luck on the mats against local champ VeVe Lane!
Short Squeeze is an earnest and good-natured young fellow from the local area.  He's been wrestling for 6 months, and he really enjoys it.  He knows he'll be facing an uphill battle against VeVe -- VeVe has a considerable experience advantage over him, plus she also has a weight advantage (she outweighs him by 13 lbs!)  But Short Squeeze is adventurous, and he's excited for the challenge!
And what a challenge it is for our newcomer.  In fact, doesn't have half a chance!  VeVe happily puts her superior strength and submission arsenal to good use -- all with a smile on her face, of course.  Short Squeeze is amazed and overwhelmed.  He simply cannot figure out how to stop her as she out maneuvers and submits him over and over again.  But Short Squeeze stays positive and tries his best all the way through... even as VeVe continues to add even more tally marks to the scoreboard.
And after this very-first match, Short Squeeze then finds himself subjected to his very-first Punishment Round experience.  And that entails: facesitting, bodyscissors, headscissors, hand smother, armbar, Camel Clutch, and victory pose.  Welcome to the Doom mats, Short Squeeze!
Candid and earnest.  Many submissions, relatively fast tap outs.  Includes opening comments, submission wrestling match of two 10-minute rounds, 5-minute Punishment Round, closing comments.  

Stats: Short Squeeze: 5'4" and 112 lbs (51 kg).  VeVe: 5'4" and 125 lbs. (57 kg).  1080 Full HD

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MP4. 1080 Full HD, 60 fps, 7 mbps

1.53 GB
30 minutes
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VeVe vs Short Squeeze: Competitive Mixed Squash Match (Dec 2023)